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A three-day boutique running holiday along South Africa’s Wild Coast, a slice of unfenced coastal paradise that traverses the rural homeland of the isiXhosa people. This is a trail running kaleidoscope that is at it’s heart wild in every sense of the word, from footprint-free golden beaches along a warm ocean, to rolling grass headlands and delicate coastal forests teeming with life. Envelop your senses in one of the World’s most spectacular coastlines whist enjoying the evening comfort of elegant hotels & lodges along your Wild Coast journey.
21 - 25 Sep 2025
44,2km + 35,2km + 34km
R18 450 *Early bird!! Fee increase on 01 January 2025
Beach, grassy headlands, coastal forest


Kei Mouth to Hole-in-the-Wall - The Wild Coast
in the Eastern Cape province
of South Africa
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What people experienced

"Day 3 of the most spectacular event! Thanks Owen Middleton and Tamaryn Middleton for the fantastic show you guys created. A special thanks to the crew who make it all happen they are all sensational. This is why we keep coming back for more!"

Brian Gibbon
Wildcoast Wildrun 2019

Dear Tamaryn, Owen and the entire support crew, I just want to say a huge thank you to both of you as well as the entire support crew for the most incredible and unique experience of the Wildcoast Wildrun last week. It was such a special memory that I will carry with me always.

Whilst it was tough for me (being the longest one day distance plus the longest stage run I’ve done), it was also so beautiful with the wide open beaches and unbelievable views. You have such a special team of people who provide the support and expert organization to all the runners. I plan to get fitter and stronger and will hopefully be back!

Adrienne Bewsher
Wildcoast Wildrun 2022

"I looked forward to the Wildrun for months but nothing could’ve prepared me for how awesome it actually was. It was without question the best sporting ‘holiday’ I’ve ever had."

Kevin Welman
WIldcoast WIldrun® 2013

"The decision to do the Wildrun was one of the best I have made in my life! The past four days have been exciting, nerve-wrecking, challenging, hilarious and uplifting…all-in-one. I realised how blessed we are to be healthy, fit and strong; what the true meaning of being a ‘running partner’ and friend is; how fulfilling it is to run in silence along the long stretches of beach (with the sound of the waves in my ears); how good it feels to be tired at the end of a fulfilling day; how wonderfully our bodies get restored after a decent meal and a good night’s rest… Many fond memories were made, which I will still be telling my great-grandchildren when my running days are long past."

Maryke Neizel
Wildcoast Wildrun® 2013

I just want to thank you guys for such a wonderful epic experience these last few days. Thanks for being so organised and putting a wonderful stage run together! Your guys are awesome.  

Erine Rossouw
Wildcoast Wildrun 2022

"What a privilege to be able to participate in the journey event over the past few days. Trail was indescribably beautiful and was a pleasure to run. Thanks to Owen and team for the world class basis in which you have organized this event. I will definitely be back."

Mark van Houten
Wildcoast Wildrun® 2015

Thank you to you and Owen and the whole team that put on the Wildcoast Wildrun 2021, it was an amazing experience, the organization was excellent, the accommodation and food were great and the runs and views were spectacular. Even the weather played along, apart from that damn wind on day 2! I really enjoyed the whole thing - it was an fantastic adventure.

Ian Ferguson
Wildcoast Wildrun 2021

"Legendary event! If it's the only one on your calendar for the year, it will not be a mistake ..."

Greg Walsh
Wildcoast Wildrun® 2016

"The Wildrun has been the highlight of 14 years of running and frankly it has been a life changer for me too!"

Tamara McMillan
Wildcoast Wildrun® 2014

"3 years ago I took on what I thought at that stage was the biggest challenge of my life - the Wildcoast Wildrun - 112km of trail running over 3 days. Little did I know that would ignite my passion for trail running. And 3 years later I completed 3 Wildcoast Wildruns in 2016, 2017 and 2019 and in return was awarded my “Nguni” trophy in celebration of those 336km spent on the most beautiful coastline in South Africa. And the cherry on top - my PB for the race in 2019. 

Thank you Owen Middleton, Tamaryn Middleton and the rest of the #wildrunteam for hosting this special event. I wish every runner out there can experience it one day!"

Nicolette Koch
Wildcoast Wildrun 2019

Wildcoast 112km, 21 - 25 Sep 2025

Three days of running a wild coastal paradise
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